My name is Amy and I am a survivor and overcomer of childhood trauma, domestic violence, drug addiction, and a life of sexual perversion. As a child, I grew up in a very dysfunctional home. When I was a toddler, I witnessed domestic violence between my parents. My parents separated and my mom became a single mom for many, many years. At the age of nine, I was sexually violated by a man who was a family friend that my mother trusted. At the age of 13, I ended up in my first domestic violence relationship, and I began drinking alcohol. Around the age of 15, I started smoking marijuana and by the age of 17, began modeling, and ended up posing nude. I then became pregnant right before my 18th birthday. That pregnancy ended traumatically in abortion, which triggered a breakdown that caused me to start using heavier drugs. I never did graduate from high school. I then began using my body, my beauty, my outward appearance for work. I started stripping which led to deeper drug use, and another abortion. I was involved with some very serious drug dealers, and my life really spiraled out of control. I left the state because I knew that I was not going to make it if I stayed.
I finally got clean and sober and turned my life around but I never dealt with any of the trauma, or any of the horrors that I had been through, so my sobriety didn’t last very long. I got pregnant again and had a beautiful son. I went back to my home state and within a couple years had fallen back into my old lifestyle. This time however, it was much darker, and because I was a single mom it was worse.
By 2002, I realized I needed to get out or I was going to die or lose my child. So I tried to get out but without any help I couldn’t. A lot of horrible things happened over the next 3 years. I was sexually assaulted, had two more abortions and in 2005, found myself in a hospital bed. I cried out to Jesus to either save my life or take me home. I asked Him why I was still alive and to show me why I had endured so much pain and trauma through my entire life. That was the day that I was saved and I never looked back. Little by little, I began to heal, and that was my road to recovery.
I didn’t have a program to go to. I had a pastor who helped as did the Word of God. But then I went to a trauma counselor, and she used art therapy. It was very, very helpful. I was finally led to the Restored Program, where I now teach art. I am also involved helping in the community.
I share my story for two reasons. First, to say that nobody is ever too far gone, we can be restored and we can be healed. We can have self-worth and value again. We can be productive in our community.
Secondly, I never had a program like Restored to Dream offers. And I truly believe, that if there had been some form of intervention, like what is offered in their program, my mom could have received support, after I had been sexually violated, and I believe that the path that I took would have been much different. So, I would just encourage you to partner with them, because they are helping children and women, and families, and so much more.
God bless you,
To ALL Restored to Dream Admin, Staff and Volunteers
Thank you for ALL that you do and are doing. I have seen the changes from all your hard work and efforts.
This session, I got to really see children, teens and adults’ souls be lifted and brighter. I saw even the most withdrawn ones open up, like a beautiful flower on the 2nd week! It is an amazing thing to actually see a human soul being “Restored”. Each one of you is part of that process.
I am personally immensely grateful for the process, direction and help. To have a safe, loving, non-judgmental space to come to and heal make a huge impact on me.
It is my hope that this “Thank you” conveys my heart’s gratitude. May you be blessed for your obedience to service for others through God’s guidance and grace.
With all my heart,